Thursday, April 28, 2011

Closet Clock

I am often humbled by my clients because they come up with the greatest ideas (and jealous because I didn't think of them first!).

While talking with a client today (I had suggested she put up more clocks in her home office) in our phone coaching session she mentioned that she had also put a clock in her bedroom closet.

What a fabulous, simple solution! She has a walk-in closet and she says sometimes she loses track of time in there because she gets busy organizing it. This helps her keep track of the time (just like in her office) and keep her more aware of how much time is passing.

When I googled "closet clock" I got a number of interesting items. While you certainly can use any kind of clock in your closet, I was curious to see if there were any clocks expressly made for closets. (Oh, maybe one that lights up would be nice!)

I thought the one pictured above would be funny whether you are a man or a woman. (You probably need a really healthy sense of humor if you are a man!) It's called "The Closet Closet Clock."

The other great idea I saw was using a weather clock in your closet. Now, these are a little cluttered-looking to me. I like a simple large clock with a big numbers and a easily seen hands. But a weather clock serves a great function–letting you know how to dress for the day! I often turn on the news in the morning to see what the day's weather is going to be or check my iPhone (but it's rarely in my bedroom since I sync or charge it with my computer in my home office) for the local weather forecast. (Click on images to be taken to the website where you can buy this clock. I'm not affiliated with any of these sites.)

Or you can just go with cute!
(This came from a great blog article on closet organizing at Fabulous After Forty.)

Or why not hang one of your many watches (I know you have them) up on a nail? I don't really have much wall space in my closet and the little strip of space I have would be perfect for a watch. (I found actual clocks that look like giant watches online. This one is a plan/components to make one yourself. I think you can find vintage ones on e-bay and Etsy.) Dad's or Grampa's giant old watch you inherited might be perfect for this.
Tom Hatton saves you the time (ha ha!) by making and selling these giant watches on Etsy:

What a wonderful design element for a man's closet!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Have you found a wonderful ADHD therapist?

The ADDitude magazine website has a great article titled 

No, this article doesn't name names! It's a quick and easy to read "slide show" describing the kinds of therapists you DON'T want to have if you are an adult living with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
  1. The Disciplinarian
  2. The Drug Pusher
  3. The Researcher
  4. The Nervous Nellie
  5. The Comedian
  6. The Blame Gamer
  7. The Quick Fixer
  8. The Distant Judge
  9. The Fuzzy Comforter
  10. The Dream Dissector
They do give a list of traits you DO want in your therapist at the end of the article.

Have you had a good experience with your therapist or counselor around ADHD (or clutter or hoarding) in the Sonoma or Marin County area? I'm always looking for good professionals to refer my clients to. A great support team for many of my clients often includes a therapist or counselor.