Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Free Shredding at Staples in March!

Don't kill yourself shredding all that paper!

Staples office supply store is offering to shred your documents (up to 5 lbs per person) for free in March!

Get thee to your files and start sorting and purging right now and take that stuff on down to be shredded.

Tip: Bring your bathroom scale into your office to figure out when you have 5 pounds of paper. If your scale is not sensitive enough for just 5 pounds, weigh yourself first, then weigh yourself holding the box of papers.

Find out a little more here at the Staples site: http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/programs/copyandprint/savings_central.html?cid=PS:GS:CP:CP:B:28:10605:%2Bshredding_%2Bstaples

I am not affiliated with Staples nor do I receive any compensation from them.

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